Friday, December 9, 2011

Nerd News: Change Your Brain, Game!

Gaming should make the brain grow, since it requires memory and pattern recognition like the London Cabbie Test does.  Since Starcraft 2 requires APM it should improve fine motor skills as well, like Day9 says something like:  Starcraft 2 is like a combination of Chess and playing a musical instrument.

Would-be taxi drivers have to learn 320 routes within a six mile radius of Charing Cross, which covers a mind-boggling 25,000 streets and 20,000 landmarks and places of interest.
Throughout the process, any changes to their brains were mapped by regular MRI scans.
Compared with similar scans from non-taxi drivers, those who had attempted the Knowledge had increased the size of the posterior hippocampus - the rear section of the hippocampus which lies at the front of the brain.

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