Friday, August 12, 2011

Blizzard NA Invitational EGIdra vs SixjaxDDE @ 11:45 AM PDT

Idra vs DDE in about 10 minutes.

Go DDE, not a fanboy of DDE just want Idra to lose.

Spoiler Alert.

Game 1  Idra does Hatch first.  Pool before gas.  DDE opens 1 Rax, 2nd CC to wall into 2 gas.  Follows with double factory.  Idra gets speed for lings, and starts Macro HAtch in the main when speed is about 2/3 done.

BlueFlame and Starport incoming.  2nd Rax.  Medivacs on the way and first pair of hellions.  Baneling nest on the way for Idra

Idra has two spines doen at natural when first hellions hit, with 3rd spine building.  DDE also drops 8 marines in the main at same time as hellion harass.

DDE keeps constant pressure with hellion harass both on ground and drops.  DDE is being careful not to lose any units on the drops or harass he doesn't have to, ie he isn't over committing or suiciding his units.

Idra gets Mutas out.  So Mutl Ling Bling like normal.  Idra starts harassing with Mutas.

DDE counter attacks with Hellions, marines, tank, and some Thors.  DDE takes down Idra's 3rd easily.

Idra is down to 5-6 Mutas atm after trying to take out the army that killed his 3rd.

DDE takes his Gold.  IDra is double expanding retaking his 3rd and his 4th.

Idra keeps hitting building on the edge with mutas and running in with 6ish speedlings to pick off SCV's.  DDE responds by siegeing up between IDra's 3rd & 4th, snipes Idra's 4th.  Idra cleans up that army.

Idra has 29 Mutas, and is taking bases on DDe's side of the Map.  Looking like IDRA has the edge.  Seven Infestors out, greater Spire on the way already have few Corrupters out..

Both players maxed out on supply, well just little gap from Idra to get Broodlords out.  Broodlords on the way.

Large battle between Idra's 3rd & 4th, all Broodlords taken out, but IDra has kept most of his Mutas alive during this game, and used them to clean up last of the marines and Tanks in attacking army.  Thors already gone.

Idra has clear edge, but totally miss micros his Broodlords, sends them out with no support, hotkey messed up??  DDE gets on ahead because of that for a brief time.

DDE has lots of gas banked, he hased spent any on reactors for marines until now in the late game.  Spending gas on Mech and upgrades.  DDE is sparting to pull ahead in economy because  of greater effeciency of Terran over Zerg.

Ghost starting to get on the field in decent numbers.  Some mis micro of tanks gives Idra a bit army advantage.  Leads to 100 food advantage for Idra & forces DDE to GG.

Game 2  DDE makes some Hellion & Marauder and then adds bunch of factories, for Thors?  IDra making a spinecrawler farm.  Both players stuck on 2 bases.

Idra catches Marauders & Hellions with his muta & lings and kills several.  Idra takes his 3rd after that.  DDE takes his 3rd.

Idra moves his spine crawlers out like Catz does on certain maps, making a fence of spinecrawlers to zone or delay attacks.  Helps Idra crush DDE's push against the Zerg's 3rd.

Looks like Idra should have this game, 180 food for Idra vs 90ish for DDE.

IDra adding Infestors is researching Neural PArasite.  Adds 7 more spines to his fence.  RememberSpinces & spores can't wall small or medium units.  That is why I am callin git a fence.

DDE gives up, "GG WP"

Game 3

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