Tuesday, August 23, 2011

IPL 3 Qualifier ColCatz vs NaVi.BabyKnight

IPL Streaming Catz's qualifier match right now!  GOGOGOGOG!!!!

Spoiler Alert

Catz won this Bo3 2-0  it was a TvsP match.

I didn't catch the first game. 

But Second game was close by Air on Metalopolis,  Catz opened with his version of a 7 pool, which he says is not an all in (just a very fast/early attack).  The Toss player didn't wall, so Catz did a lot of damage.

After the Toss stabilized he did a push with sentry + blink stalkers, but he just didn't have enough army to do significant damage. 

After defending the Toss push, Catz massed Stalkers and attacked.  The Toss was going storm, but the Hydra push hit before it was done, Babyknight forced to GG.

Very Mannered with a "GG WP" and GL in tournament.

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