Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blizzard invitational 2011 LA Anaheim Catz vs Retro

Go Catz!!!


Game 1 YES!  Proxy hatch in Retro's main!  Retro spots it and gets one cannon down and attacks proxy hatch with zealots.  Retro cleans it up eventually but loses 13 or so probes.

Ends with about 20 food lead for Catz & big peasant lead, techs to Muta.

Catz backstabs, ie counterattacks when enemy army moves out, with mutas, snipes some more probes & forces Retro to pull back.

Pretty much end for Retro, he trues a desperation push, but Catz takes out Retro's main with Mutas holds off the push with ling, spnes, & Infestors.  Retro is forced to GG.

Game 2  Seven Pool Incoming!!!  Lings get in, at 6:30 Catz still has one ling alinve in Retro's base.  Retro could have blocked with gateway but made pylon instead, might have been on tilt from previous game?  Last ling dies inside Retro's base at ~7:28!!!

Catz techs to Roach + Infestors.  Going for Elevator I think with roaches?  Retro gets robo & builds warp prism.  Colossus drop?

But it gets spotted incomingg by Catz, and taken out with two infested terrans and a fungal.

Catz goes for double drop, to Ovies with lings first at main, Infestors at Natural gets almost all probes with fungals.  The lings also snipe NExus and one or two other buildings.

Retro forced to GG not long after that.

WEWIN!  Catz 2-0

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