Thursday, March 8, 2012

Learning Starcraft 2: Defending against Mech in ZvT

LgNavilo vs iSanddbox cast by Duckvillelol

I have watched this epic game at least 4 times, I still don't feel ready to give a detailed commentary on it, but I can say any Zerg that is struggling vs Terran Mech could learn a lot from studying it.

iSanddbox is impressive with his unit comp switches, back and forth, repeatedly, he will kill off like 9 Thors with lings and Infestors, then switch back to Ultras/Ling/Banes to deal with Hellion/Tank/Thor, and he also does a lot of serious damage with lings hitting Mineral lines and other targets of opportunity.

Then there are the Ling drops for dealing with Siege Tanks! 

And a logistic, ie Macro, Nydus worm!!  I know most of you won't find that exciting, but it is perhaps a stronger use of Nydus than sneaking attacks into bases.  Something I have been wanting to see more.

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