Monday, March 19, 2012

Learning Starcraft 2: Accepting Failure

As I have mentioned before, I am a Technical writer, I learned from Jerry Pournell years ago, that to succeed at writing, or anything, you had to be willing to accept failure.

Today I found another author, Matt de la Peña, who says the say thing, but with a personal story that I think most Nerd's can related to, I certainly can, though in my case it was flowers and not a poem.

Matt de la Peña's words:

He told them that if they were serious about writing, they had to be ready to accept lots of failure. He once wrote a poem for a girl he liked, but after reading it, she never spoke to him again. His goal as a writer, he said, “is to give grace and dignity to people from the other side of the tracks.” 
~from page two

I blogged this on Cliff's Book Review Corner,  you can find links to the book and the author there if your interested.

But I think the key point for gamers, the ones that really want to succeed, is that using the excuse of failure is just that, an excuse.

Failure is not a reason for a lack of success. 

It is simply one of the obstacles on the path to accomplishment.

No one accomplishes everything the first time they try, or the 100 time they try.

I will certainly talk more about this in the future, as well as how this ties in with Romantic pursuits.

For more posts on Learning Starcraft 2, just click Learning SC2, that Label can also be found in Label Cloud at left side of blog.

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