Friday, October 14, 2011

MLG Orlando Idra vs drewbie

egIdra vs coldrewbie Bo3

Go drewbie!

Spoiler Alert

Game 1 Xel Naga  Idra at Top right and Drewbie Botom Left.

drewbie going reactor hellion opening.  Idra standard Idra.

Idra being far more proactive with Spinecrawlers, has one in front of his NAtural and one in back of his natural (tucked in on back side of gas) to defend vs Hellion.

Stim on the way, so is LAir.

Drewbie goining into Tank Marine .  Haven't seen Siege tech yet.

Baneling Nest and spire going down, Bane nest almost done.

MElee upgrades for zerg.

Hellions bounching around trying to deny creep spread and map vision.  Still Orange flame.

Spire finishes.

8 Mutas morphing and +1 Zerg air attack started.

Drewbie poking a little with marine Tank and few hellions to kill creep tumors.

Baneling Speed half done.

Idra taking the safe 3rd (ie NOT the gold)

drewbie pushes hard with some marines, not sure if that was really worth it, probably trying to do some damage, scout befor baneling become big factor.

Idra taking his 4th (9 O'clock one) Drewbie is making medivacs and throwing a few Turrets up.

Drewbie is pushing 7 poking around the middle with largeish Marine Tank army, but Idra hits with good timeing when Tanks are siegeing and does a little damage.

drewbie is taking his gold, landed CC & morphing ot PF, Idra started Infestor pit at same time.

Idra attacks PF at gold hard, does some damge hit about 1/2 mineral line with banes, but it wasn't fully saturated yet, still it did damage.

Idra has taken a 5th, at the 3 O'clock position.

Idra is getting Hive, Idra has a 195 to 117 food advantage and a bank.

Nice double angle attack from Idra, Mutas hit production buildings on the NE edge of drewbies main then lings hit the natural both doing some damage.

Idra is looking lot better, his unit cordination seems to have improved as well as his game sense or timing for attacks.  Or perhaps he is just seeing little opening fater now so he can take advantage of them.

Yes drewbie forced to GG.

Idra leads series 1-0

Game 2  Shakuras Plateau  Idra top left spawn, drewbie top right spawn.

Standaard Idra from Idra.

Looks like reactor Hellion again from drebie.

Normal stuff ling speed, Hellions just sitting outside bottom of ramp at Idra's natural.  Stim on the way.

Idra getting Lair.

  +1 melee attack on the way for Idra and drewbie has a 3rd Orbital up, though just using it as macro building so far, he has it in the main above the safe 3rd.

Spire half done, baneling speed half done.

drewbie drops 3rd rbital down at the safe 3rd outside main's ledge.

+1 Air attack 7 8 Mutas on the way.

Siege tech on the way and turrets going up.  Lots of turrets.

Like 3-4 Turrets at every mineral line or building cluster!
Totally shuts down Muta Harass.

Boths sides macroing and upgrading, INfestor pit down and infestors in production.

Idra has taken a 5th Hatch at bottom right corner, Drewbie's side of the map, COOL, I like that!!!!!

Steals minerals from enemy if game goes real long also helps for base races!!!!

drewbie slow pusing with Marine Tank Medivac, Idra teching to Cracklings and Ultras.

One or two turrets going up in the middle to support the slow push.

Ultras out, and greater spir half way.

NYDUS Tech on the WAY.

Idra pushes into the middle and clears out marines and some of the tanks.

Nydus worm put into Bottom right at the stolen base.  Put most of the drones there into spines to protect the Nydus, as drewbie cleans up the Ling attack at his 4th, and takes down the stolen base and nydus, Idra drops Nydus in the middle of the map.

Ultra ling Infestors start pushing.

To much for drewbie he is forced to GG.

Idra takes the series 2-0

Have to say, and I am a Root/compLexity fanboy, Idra is looking a lot better.  Not only seeing oportunities but using Nydus and Infestors in intelligent and skilled fashion which I haven't really seen from him before.

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