Friday, October 14, 2011

2011 MLG Destiny vs Jhammy Open Round 1

QxGDestiny [Z] vs Jhammy [P]

FYI Destiny is  not  (sorry about that typo) on team Quantic.

Destiny IS on Team Quantic, more information here.


Spoiler Alert

Game 1  Close by Air on right side of Metalopolis, Jhammy at north spawn  Destiny at south spot.

14 gas 14 pool I think from Destiny, speed started before takeing natural.

Jhammy doing 3 Gate expo, okay he adds a 4th gate, now a 5th gate.  No Forge.

Destiny starts Roach Warren.

Destiny is doing a baller job of scouting with Lings and Ovies.

Destiny is taking his 3rd.  And is gettting lair.

Forge and Robo going down, Destiny has 2 spines down at his natural.

Jhammy has done a couple of pokes but no real engagements.

Twilight council and Robo Support bay on the way.

Burros and Roach speed on the way.

Cool Destiny brings his Overseer back to kill off Observer that was in his main, Queen gets kill.

Infestor Pit going down.

Jhammy is taking his 3rd, but Destiny send lings around the long way to attack it, the lings are deflected.

Jhammy only made the one Obs that Destiny killed, and he does have burrow and Infestors :D

Two Colossus out so far.

NO Blink or Charge yet.

Ovie drop and I think speed researched, loading banelings into Ovies.

Destiny has his 4th base running.

Jhammy poking with + two army on ly two Colossus, mainly Stalkers with NO Blink.

Spire half done Hive almost done/

Fight outside Destiny's Main ledge, near Tower.

Pushes Jhammy back with BAne Bombs and roach, lot of Force Fileds dropped,  then drops Roaches into main of Toss.  Lot of damage done.

Looks like roach hit 3rd to while fighting in the MAin of Protoss.

Finally Protoss starts Blink tech.

Greater Spire on the way.

Destiny has taken his 5th, and also has taken Gold as his 6th!

Neural Parasite on the way.

Destiny doing a good job of hitting 3rd with lings or Roaches while microing Roaches and Baneling bombs.
Destiny is totally dominating this game.

Broodlords and baneling speed on the way but Toss doesn't have an Army left ATM.

@ 23:00 over 20 probes have been killed.

Jhammy finally GG

Destiny leads series 1-0

Game 2  Antiga Shipyard.  Destiny spawns at Top slightly left, Jhammy spawns at bottom slightly right.

Jhammy is walling with two gates and pylons at top of the Ramp at his Natural.

Think Destiny opend pool first but delayed gas till Natural Hatch was almost done.

Jhammy doing heavy Zealot pressure.

Funny momemnt Spine had been made at Main and was trying to walk down to NAtrual to root.  Was working as wall for a while protect Queen on the ramp.

Then Zealots played ring around the Natural, including the Mineral line, with the Spine.  LOLs, never seen Zealots chases Spine Crawlers before :D.

Lot of pressure, but Destiny holds it off those he did lose some drones.

Destiny is mainly droning while getting Baneling NEst down, while Jhammy warping his Natrual Nexus in.

Dstiny keeps hitting at wall of Jhammy to draw forcefields.

Baneling bust!  3+ walling pylons taken down.  But Jhammy holds it with heavy loses, SEntry & Zealots hit by banes at least couple of times.

Jhammy has 8 Gates now off two bases.

Destiny is building a forward line of spines, and second line in his NAtural, tryin got buy time.  But to much pressure from 8 gate push, he is forced to GG.

Series tied 1-1

Game 3 Shattered Temple, Destiny at 9 O'clock and Jhammy at teh 2-3 O'clock

Pool first, Jhammy tries to deny it but Jhammy gets NAtrual down anyway.

4 Gate from Jhammy.

3Spines down, speed almost done, 4th spine almost done.

Roach Warren goes down as Zealot SEntry 4 gate push.

Looks like Destiny should hold it though.

Roaches are out now, think Destniy should be safe now, thogu his ramp is constantly force fielded.

Only lost 2 Spines, no expo for Jhammy, so it is an all in.

Forcefield energy runs out and lings and Roaches are able to start attacking Toss army and Protoss is forced to GG.

Destiny takes the Series 2-1

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