Liquid TLO vs eSahara Satini cast by c0mmissar1
My commnet below the VOD, Spoiler Alert.
Following is a spoiler, don't read past here if you don't want to know what happened.
Starcraft 2 Thoughts: I have thought for a long time that Roach & Baneling, with Corrupter support; into Roach/Bane/Ultra with Corrupter support was really strong.
6 Corrupters will two shot Medivacs, and Roaches are a little faster than Ultras/Banes (Ultras & Banes with speed are same speed as each other), so Roaches take tank shots, letting the Banes hit!
Additionally, Banelings and Ultras almost perfectly compliment each other, Banelings do 35 Damage to light +4 per Attack upgrade, Ultralisks do 35 damage per attack to armored + 4 per Attack upgrade.
Starting at 28:18 you will see big fight with 6 Ultras and 22 Banes, plus some lings. Now the Tanks were caught unsieged, but even if they were sieged, as long as the Ultras or lings led that attack, the Banes would still hit!
You can see what a Ultra/BAneling unit comp does in a hurry to a Terran ground Army at just past 28:18 in the VOD above.
There was also some very nice maneuvering by TLO!
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