Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Nerd News: Post SOPA, EU vs USA Internet Freedom & Rights?

A Computer/Net Security blog I follow, Naked Security, has a very good article out, "Who has better privacy laws: USA or European Union?"

This articel from Naked Security seems to have been motivated in part by PCWorld's article "Protect Our Data! A Digital Consumer Bill of Rights"

Both of those article are worth reading, I feel at worst I have an average understanding of these issues, I am a full time Esports Blogger after all, and I put a lot of effort into staying informed on this & related topics.

I still learned some things I was not fully aware of, specifically, the Naked Security article clearly states that "In the US, the Data Protection picture is more fragmented."

Which is something I knew, but had never really thought of before, the United States of America are called "United States" in part because each state actually can have completely different laws in many areas of law.

That is part of the complexity of the issue in the USA, but at the Federal level there is also more than one department involved, and each department has different concerns, not to mention the different departments are influenced by different PAC's, lobbyists, and Politicians.

I don't know enough currently to make any strong statements, except that I think everyone that works or plays on the internet should strive to know and understand as much as they can on these topics.

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