Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Esports Future: "The People Who Manage Professional Athletes’ Moves"

This article from the Business Insider made me wonder if Esports already has some professional Athlete Relocators?  People that help Pros move from one location to another.

I know a few Pros in Starcraft 2 have moved from one country to another already, and as Esports grow, there will be more of that as time goes on.

I think the translators in Korea end up helping foregners that move to Korea currently.

I am not sure if there is a specific person that helps Koreans that move to the EU or USA?  I would suspect again that translators would end up doing a lot of the work.

Just a suggestion to people looking to work in Esports, SC2 in particular, that being fluent in Korean or another foreign language might be more useful than Gosu gaming skills.  If only because you would probably have far less competition.

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