I decided to handle the spoiler issue this way. If you like it or don't like it, post a comment below.
Please check out the right side of the blog for more Starcraft 2 resources. Including Streams. VODs, replays, and events. I will be tweaking & updating the contents of this post as time goes by, not sure that people new to the site realize all the content and resources that are here when they first start visiting.
I will update this post as needed. Immediately below is current detailed outline of resources available on my blog. I also mention planned additions and improvements.
[Last updated
I now have a Google Translate gadget on my Starcraft 2 Blog, it is on left side below the Clocks, it will translated the text on my Blog to Korean, German, French, etc.
World Clocks: Top Center, helped me a lot for making sure I didn't miss Dreamhack events. That is what lead me to putting the World Clocks up, Starts with the Prime Meridian of Starcraft 2 Korean Daylight Time [KDT] and moves west from there.
Event Corner: Top right, just below the World Clocks for time zone conversions, is the "Event Corner" it will contain a clock for time zone of next event of interest to me. Also date and time for event. Plus links to stream, brackets, and whatever else seems important for that event.
I am still exploring different layouts, but generally I will have direct links to stream for the event or direct link to main official site/post for the event. Plus link to my main post about the event in the Event Corner.
I will usually be posting reports on the games from those events. Sometimes real life gets in the way of that, but if you see event in the Event Corner it will usually also be covered in this blog.
Streams: Next on the right side. Currently is predominately Progamer Streams. But also includes Event Streams and a few Casters.
Coaching Lessons: Next on the right side. So far the only link here is for lessons from Catz. Though I plan to add a select few additional links.
I am going to limit these to people I have either seen coach, or received coaching from personally. That way I know everyone linked here as a coach is good at coaching.
Coaching is a different skill from playing. The best players, not just in esports, are not always the best coaches. I may endorse some people for coaching that I am not a fan of as a gamer & vice versa.
PLEASE NOTE just because someone isn't listed doesn't mean they are a bad coach. Most likely it means I have not had the time or opportunity to review their coaching.
One of my primary goals for this blog, is to provide real content, not just opinion. Striving for a Professional and Mannered Starcraft 2 blog.
You can think of Day9 & WhiteRa as my role models for Conduct. While I am trying to provide Content that compliments what DAY9 and TeamLiquid provide.
Replay Links: This currently has direct links to replay search queries for Catz on 2 of the main replay sites. Also has replay link for a game from Team GAB, Guns 'n Broaches, Destiny & Minigun 2v2 team name.
This section will be expanded a lot in the future. I will eventually have links to posts the contain a collection of links to replays for specific players, builds, and events. That will conserve space for more direct links like the majority of links currently there.
For example, I will eventually have a Catz replay post, that is linked from this section, that will be organized so you can find replays of him doing his trademark Hatch in Protoss base counter vs cannon rush/harass. Or the latest replay from a tournament.
VOD Links: Next, this will eventually be organized like Replay Links section.
SC2 Links: Other Starcraft 2 resources that don't fit in one of the above categories. Or sometimes they fit in more than one category, so they will be included here as well as another section.
My other Blogs: If you want to see what else I do for blogging. This blog and my book review blog receive the bulk of my time and energy.
In the near future I should begin reviewing ARC [Advanced Reader Copies] books, so I will be able to read and review book before it is actually published. Like Beta Testing or Reviewing games.
I am hoping to provide Beta Testing & Review of egames, some time in the future.
Currently though ""The Plan" is for daily content on this blog, and weekly content on the book review blog.
Moving on to the Top Left of the blog below the world clocks.
Labels: Top Left, right below world clocks. Labels that are used for indexing posts. So if you want to find all posts on colTrimaster just click on that label and all posts with that label will be brought up. I use more labels than the ones displayed. So if you find a post you like look at the bottom for the labels and click on one that fits what you like. That will bring up all other posts with that label or subject heading.
Twitter Links: Next on the left side. Twitter links for Starcraft 2 people I follow.
Blog Archive: Last on the left. Index of all posts by month.
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