Go WhiteRa!!!
Wow, Select is looking strong in Game 1, he took an early hidden expansion. Which seemed to throw off WhiteRa's planning a bit.
Select started doing drops, and managed to take out Twilight Council early on, WhiteRa didn't bother to remake it. Choosing to rely on Zealot, Archon, Sentry while teching to Colossus.
In first real engagement Select got off some killer EMP's plus WhiteRa's army was to spread out trying to avoid EMP, so Select won that engagement and was able to move remmnents of his main army into WhiteRa's base, snipped Robo right before Colossus popped & also got first Colossus that popped from other Robo. WhiteRa forced to GG.
Game 2, WhiteRa looking simply impressive. Select starts out with lot of very early harassement. Select does a gas steal & drops an Ebay in WhiteRa's natural.
Whitera response with a quick double expansion, very Zerg like, follows it with Robo and Obs first. Then he makes Warp Prism while researching charge and getting Templar Archieves. Loads Prism with zealots, and keep Obs on Selects front ramp so he can see when the army moves out.
When Select moves out WhiteRa Backstabs, means counterattack when oppoenent moves out, very effective because that is when your enemy is least able to defend.
Select loses half his army attacking WhiteRa's 3rd, army was split in half with perfect forcefields.
Lot of battles of maneuver while WhiteRa drops at every opportunity, until Ra gets perfect mousetrap on Select's army near Select's third. Everything pretty much over then, WhiteRa takes down Natural also. Though Ra over commits on the ramp into the main. So game drags out for a little while longer but WhiteRa has 3 bases to 1. WhiteRA wins Game 2.
Game 3, WhiteRa starts out very strong, takes his gold at about 7:55 mark for a very quick 3rd, then follows up with good attack when Select is trying to take his Natural. WhiteRa delays Select's natural for a little bit, which is huge considering that Ra had a gold going up for 3rd before SElect took Natural!
Select gets a awesome snipe of Twilight Council just a second or two before charge finishes. Which gives him huge advantage for the next several minutes. Select capitalizes on on that advantage and forces engagement with WitheRa's main army, kills all the slow 'lots.
Snipes the gold Base, and attacks the Natural just before the first Colossus pops, and is able to focus down the Colossus immediately. WhiteRa is forced to GG, very mannered with GG WP.
Select responds very mannered also.
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