Monday, August 8, 2011

ColCatz vs Thorzain EG Master's Cup on OneMoreGameTV

Go Catz!!!  Here is the link.

spoiler alert

Game 1 Thorzain opens with reator orange flame hellions, takes his natural behind it & adds fast macro? 3rd CC (7ish minute mark) into orbital.  Also gets fast Thors.

Catz responded fairly well made lot of lings, tried to get surround on the 6+ hellions with the lings but only took one out.  Follows that up with Mutas.

Thorzain snipes Catz 3rd, though not main drones though, and Catz manages to take out all three Thors used in the attack (Thors/Blueflame hellion attack).

Thorzain takes out another of Catz's expos, Catz takes out Orbital at Thorzain's natural in exchange.

Catz techs to Infestors & keeps them back till he gets Neural Parasite to deal with the Mech army of Thorzain.  He manages to clean up Thorzain's attqacking army with NP, infested terrans, & roaches.

Thorzain's one blueflame drop & straight attacks with blueflame hellions.  35 drones killed by thorzain.

Catz is teching to Broodlords.

Massive army trade pretty much dead even.  After near remax CAtz snipes an expo & kills 3 stargates with a roach infester army.  Thorzain response with another blueflame raid.  Also starts adding ghosts to his army.

  Nukes on the way.  Roach ling infestor drop vs PF.  Wow.  Infested Terrans and fugals kill all SCV and PF goes down.

Nuke launched, but catz kills silo after it lands, the nuke doesn't do much damage.

CAtz drops the main of thorzain with lings, then drops opposite side of map again, but ghost snip all of the infestors :-(

Game slows down, long term acro, nukes getting built again.  Catz goes to heavy Broodlord airforce. massive battle & catz remaxes with roaches.

Whew getting close to an hour game.  Catz forced to GG few minutes short of an hour.


Game 2  Catz goes for queenless Roach rush.  Thorzain goes for double starport Thorzain is forced to GG at 6:45 or so WOW!


Game 3  is on Xel Naga :-( which sucks for zerg vs terran.

Catz does drone harass but it is shut down, Thorzain response with bunker harass at natural which is shutdown then tries building bunker on high ground behind catz's 3rd.  But it gets shut down by lings.

Catz goes for baenling bust vs blueflame.  Awesome bust!  lot of SCV's killed also.  Near perfect attack by CAtz.  Transitions into Roaches.  But Thorzain getting siege tanks with siege.  CAtz responds by going Infestor.

CAtz loses his Natural, sneaks 2 Infestors (burrowed) into natural & 1 into main, infested terrans into at main then fungals to death all SCVs at natural.  Total of 45 SCVs killed between this attack and the baneling bust.

Just goes crazy from there, even by Catz standars!  Catz gets Nydus, to get out of the contain, does nice attack with Infestors & etc, gets a ninja expo, & takes Thorzain's 3rd as a 2nd ninja base.

Catz finally forced to GG

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