Tuesday, August 23, 2011

NE-SE Finals Bo5 2v2 qualifier ratDeezer & CombatEX vs GosuKyhol & GosuWBC

Unreal, checkout the stream.  I can't believe any tournament would let RatDeezer & CombatEX participate.

Supposed to be replays on the twitch stream above.  I'm not going to link to replays with Deezer & CombatEX in it.  They have no Manner.  They are Nekulturny.

Spoiler Alert

Just saw the end of Game 1, Gosu Kyhol & Gosu wbc won, no GG from the bad manner duo.

Game 2 was hilarious Gosuwbc did good cannon rush for the win.  Rather ironic.

Game 3 WBC going for cannon rush again.  Very strong cannon rush, but deezr & combatex hold it off.

Thenafter holding off the Gosu cannon rush they push with stalkers & take out Kyhol.  wbc responds with DT, but that is shut down, team Gosu GG.

Series 2-1 Gosu in the lead so far.

Game 4 oddly no cannon rush, instead double 4 gate from Deezer & CombaEX.  Which does lot of damage to wbc, team Gosu responds with DT/gateway + bio push.

CombatEX gets forge and cannon for detection plus
+1 attack while Deezer gets Robo for Obs.  So they are able to hold off the counter attack by a slim margin.  Even though many of the DT's merged in to Archons.

Combatex follows up with +1 armor & blink while Deezer gets robo support bay & an expo.  They have one Colossus out by the time team Gosu attacks again.

Team Gosu's attack is again held off narrowly.  At this point Deezer/Cobatex have significant advantage in both Tech (Collossus and blink) and better economy.

Team Gosu GG after couple more skirmishes where Colossus numbers start dominating.

Series tied up 2-2 Ace match next in this Bo5.

Game 5  CombatEX & WBC both go for DT while Deezer gets Robo for Obs.

DT take out Terran's main.  WBC's DT's are shut down for no damage.

Deezer and CombatEX both take their Naturals behind that attack.  Deezer gets robo support bay and starts pumping Colossus.

They push and team Gosu GG as soon as they see the Colossus.

Deezer & CombatEX take it 3-2  T_T

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