Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blizzard NA Invitational Idra vs TTone

Go TTOne!
Game will start any momemnt.

Spoiler Alert

Game 1  Metalopolis Cross Spawns.

Idra does 14 pool.  TTone does Forge fast expand.  TTone gets pylon block of natural, so idra just takes 3rd instead of natural.

TTone is using two cannon one front side and one back side of natural Nexus.  Six gates, now 7 gates. +1 attack on the way for protoss.

Lair on the way.  TTone @ ~ 9:00 starts 3rd Nexus warping in, but Idra forces a concel on it.  Heavy sentry army.  Tenth(?) gateways goes down as 3rd Nexus is warped in a 2nd time.  Infestor pit coming in, TTone has 73 probes at 12 minutes,, more than Idra has drones.  Nice gateway wall backed by cannon at the 3rd.

Robo is down and making a Observer.  Robo Support bay warping in ~13:00 minutes.  Blink on the way, Immortal being made, double forge upgrades coming in now.

Thermal Lance upgrading, greater spire started, Neural Parasite is done (I think).  2nd Robo warping in.

TTone takes his gold, does little push, Blink Stalker with few sentries couple Colossus.

Looks like to me TTone is trying to play very efficient.   Trying to brun Idra out of money maybe?

Another push, with BLink Stalkers and Chargelots and 3-4 Colossus.  TTone has been doing good job keeping Colossus alive.

DT out.  Idra takes out Gold Nexus, pair of DT's take Idra's 5th base.  Archons supporting Blink Stalker & Colossus.

Big battle, lot of Broodlords & Infested Terrans (sort of used like forcefields to protect Broodlords).

Idra wins the battle.  TTone GG

Idra 1-0

Game 2   Backwater Gulch

Idra opens same as last game.  TTone is going Forge fast expand again.  I like the Cannon behind wall TTone is using on this map, similar to what I use for Chargelot/DT/Archon build.  The Wakk Forces attackers to around wall, including Nexus, to get to ramp.

Idra getting Infestor Pit started around 8:00

Robo started, 6 or so Gates already.  Robo Support bay started around 9:40, no upgrades yet for Toss.  Obs building.

Idra has mass lings + INfestors.  Infested Terrans thrown over Force Fields. But TTone defends easy.  Looks like a poor copy of a Destiny build.  Think he should have used Infested Terrans to focus down Nexus, not sure he had enough to kill Nexus, or forge or some other building.

TTone pushs with deathball, Idra holds it okay.  Food is about even.  TTone pushes 2nd time Idra got slightly better deal this time, zealots instead of Stalkers so Fungal was OP.

Another engagement, Zealots + Colossus, NP on Colossus for the win.  TTone GG.

Idra Takes Series 2-0

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