Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blizzard NA Invitational Huk vs Kiwikaki!!!

Game starts at 10:55 am PDT, see clock at top of page.

YES this will be great game!!!!  Go Kiwikaki!!!!!!

Game is on!

Spoiler Alert

Game 1  Cross Spawns Shattered Temple

12 gate for Huk 13 for Kiwikaki

Huk gets Robo.  Obs on the way as well as a Twilight council from Huk.

Kiwi finally gets Robo.  Kiwi has Immortal on the way.  And twighlight council on the way

First push Huk does with Blink plus a key force field end the game quickly.  GG from Kiwikaki.

Game 2 Xel Naga

Huk surrounds & kills Kiwikaki's scoutning probe.  Kiwi's 1st Zealots pops at just right time to kill Huk's scouting probe.  Opening "drama"

Huk gets Robo first again.  Kiwi getting Robo now.  Huk has Twilight up and getting Blink basically same as last game.  Kiwi has 45 food to 40 of Huk

Immortal on the way, Huk pressuring Kiwi's front with blink stalkers.

Now afetr few rounds of atack 46 food Huk vs 56 for Kiwi.  Kiwi has higher probe count.

Kiwi pushes Huk out 13 food lead now for Kiwi.  Huk sneaks a probe and pylon into Kiwi's base while Kiwi is presurring Huk.  Kiwi defens it well

100 food for Kiwi vs 71 for Huk!

Huk is puttning down NExus at his Natural????  Also getting Templar Arcch for HT=>Archon.  Food Kiwi 114 vs 92 for Huk.

  Now 122 vs 97, yes Kiwi's larger army dominates Huks!  Huk forced to GG.

Series now 1-1 tied up.

Game 3  Backwater Gulch  Cross Spawns.

Kiwi sticking with his Build Order, 3 gate into Robo.

Robo going down about same time this game.  Kwi is 3 probes ahea, Kiwi again has about 8-10 food lead.

Kiwi is going for twilight council, Huk is going of robo support bay & expo?

Blink on the way for Kiwi.  Huks has thermal lance upgrade and one Colossus out.

Kiwi is taking a Nija expo upper right of map.  Kiwi's main is lower right, & Huk's main is upper left.

Food count is about even, 3 Colossus out for Huk.  Huk is taking his natural. 

Kiwi Blinks into back of main, get s a Colossus.  Huk gets 4 zealots in Kiwi's main.

Kiwi is warping a Darkshrine in.  Huk has been getting better of the fights, has an edge no.

DT are on the field, Kiwis nipes robo, but Huk has one Obs out.  Keeps DT out of Guk's Bases, while Huk has taking out Main Nexus and many probes.

Colossus to strong for Kiwi is forced to GG.

Huk takes the series 2-1

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