Go Huk!
Spoiler Alert.
Game 1 Close by Air Spawns on Metalopolis
Idra does Pool first followed by gas, standard vs Toss. Huk is starting wall at the top of his ramp.
20 hatch, at Natural for Idra. Yes ~4:30 Huk puts down Stargate! Idra misses an Overlord.
Huk is doing Stargate plus 3 Warpgate. Voidray on the way. Idra does have one Spore on his Natural, DT defense probably? He has Spore up in the main mineral line.
Two Voidrays out going Ovie hunting. Huk trys to take Natural. Two voids + 1 phoenix. Loses one phoenix & one voidray but takes a queen. He still has one void and one phoenix. Follows up with gateway unit push. But Idra holds it solidly.
Seems pretty even after the fighting. Couple of Queens have been killed but Idra was making extra.
Wow! Nydus! Way to go Idra!
Huk has food lead at the moment. Sentry + Zealot push and one voidray. Forcefields on the Ramp, Voidray goes down.
Natural taken down by Huk. Idra does much better job of staying in the game till it actually made sense for him to GG.
Huk up 1-0 in this Bo3
Game 2 Shakuras Plateau Cross Spawns.
Huk opens NExus first.IDra does pool first then hatch. No gas yet. Huk adds forge & gate wall backed by cannon.
Idra getting an early 3rd. Huk gets a proxy pylon in Idra's (future) 4th base. Huk canceled proxy pylon.
Late Zergling speed, Roach warren down. Huk is getting an early 3rd.
No Roaches made yet, but Infestor Pit building.
Robo up, Immortal making, Spire on the way. Infestors on the way.
Robo support bay on the way. Idra sneaks several lings into Huk's main. Gets some probe kills & little scouting.
Blink is done. Greater spire & neural parasite on the way.
Colossus on the waym Thermal lance upgrades finishes.
Idra maxed 16:25 or sp.
First BRoodlord being making. Five (?) Broodlords out. Blink Stalkers snipe coulppe of Broodlords for free.
Huk uses Massed hallucinated Voidrays. Wins big battle in the middle of the map.
Huk takes it 2-0
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