Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Catz vs Whitera on ladder both streaming right now!

Whitra Stream. gogogogo  Catz Stream

Catz is restreaming that match while he gets a cig.

Spoiler alert

Map is Xel Naga

WhiteRa pylon walls base of Catz ramp & puts one cannon behind it, Catz responds with Proxy Hatch in Whitra's base.  Whitra throws two cannons down to kill proxy.

Followed by roaches from proxy hatch.  Standard!  Whitra only has couple of Stalkers out, and his warp gate is delayed because of the pylon wall & proxy hatch.

During that Catz gets a drone to far right base for ninja expo, not sure if he mineral walked that drone or where it came from.

CAtz transitions into 5 Mutas (fasted possible according to Catz, he probably means under situation).  While taking down pylon wall at his ramp.

Whitra gets warpgate finished.  Has to pump Stalkers because of the Mutas, he couldn't know Catz only planned 5 to force that response.

Catz finally takes his natural as a 3rd & starts breaking gold rocks.  And throws down hatch at gold.

Whitra scouts the ninja expo.  Catz pulls drones before Whitera can attack, because he knows he can't defend that far base yet.  Think the drones basically end up at gold.

Whitra is researching Blink.  Which is what Catz wanted, that is why he did just 5 Mutas, so now he is getting Infestors.

Whitra also gets Darkshrine.  Snipes the nija hatch with DT's, but Catz had proactively pulled drones so all they get is hatch kill.

Catz takes out WhiteRa''s 3rd but DT's (I think couldn't see everything going on so guessing at some of this from what I did see) attack Catz's Gold and kill some drones and come close to sniping the Hatch, not real close but brought it down to about 20% HP.

Catz has clear food lead (30ish food lead at least), and I think tech lead thogh that is a bit hard to figure for sure, Catz has Roach Ling Infestors out with spire tech available but no spire units out.  Whitra has Gateway units plus DT.

Brief interlude as both rebuild.  Whitra puts down Nexus at his 3rd for 2nd time & gets Templar Archives.

At ~19:00 Catz has 130 food vs Whitra's 74 food.

Catz pokes at Whitra's 3rd again, with Roach Infestor, but sees the cannon & maybe the HT and pulls back, circles around to the Tastless  "commonlaw hallway" and takes out almost all the probes with couple of fungals.

Whitra's main is mined out so he is really on two bases for economy, he also has  a Robo out 1 or two archons and 1 or 2 Immortals.  Has started making Colossus.

But Catz is getting close to maxed, Whitra is 70ish food behind. 

CAtz has Corrupters out and starting to morph Broodlords.  Catz feels ahead trades some units with a bad engagement angle.  But that almost helps supply for Broodlords.

ONce the Broodlords are out Catz starts pushing, WhiteRa tries to counter attack Catz base, but Catz pins Whitera's army, uses Neural Parasite on at least one Archone and couple of Colossus.  Not to mention Corrupters and Broodlords!

Whitra's forced to GG.

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