Go Catz!!!!
Game 1
Catz goes pool first, dKiller goes Hatch first. Catz goes for fast Infestors 1 base 2 Queens.
Carz holds off Killer's roach ling attack. Great positioning by Catz.
Catz responds with Infestor harass of dKiller's natural.
Catz keep harassing with burrowed Infestors, using both Infested Terrans and Fungals, focusing on drones. Catz & Killer keep trading Overseer gacking of Main lair.
OMG! CAtz does multiprong attack. Burrowed Infestor snipe 3rd with Infested Terrans, and uses bunch of burrowed Infestors moving just ahead of his Roach Army, dropped Infested Tearran to wall off ramp between Main & NAutural, like a Toss with forcefields. Only thes FF shoot.
dKiller GG WP!
Catz takes game 1
Game 2
Catz does double extractor into 12 pool. OOH! dKiller going for 15 hatch. CAtz is massing lings, waiting for speed? killer thros down baneling nest.
Lot of back and forth micro lings vs banelings.
Catz starts to transition into roaches while taking his natural. Killer counter attacks after stabilizing. Catz is able to hold off the attack, but I think Catz is clearly a bit behind on economy, he lost or had to cancel his natural. Plus Killer has at least a few more drones.
Catz is behind about 20 food. Killer is getting a spire, Carz is stuck on Hatch tech.
Killer goes Muta, force GG from Catz.
Game 2 goes to dKiller
Series tied up 1-1
Game 3
Both go Hatch first. dKiller goes Roach. Catz is going speedlings. Adds baneling nest.
Looks like Roach vs Roach with Infestors on both sides, Catz faster on Infestor but slower on Roach Speed. dKiler manages to snipe a few roaches because he has speed first, and force cancel on 3rd.
Catz tries same strat as Game 1, but dKiller learned his lesson and has dectection up, and uses same burrowed Infestor harass on Catz main.
Catz stars doing 4 Infestor drops all over. Snipes Spire. Takes about bunch of drones.
Catz snipes the Hive, Killer does infestor drops of his own. Killer's Greater Spire is up though. Think Catz also sniped Infestor pit of Killer.
Catz gets spire and goes for greater spire.
Massive chaos. Catz takes out Killer's Main including all tech structures with infested terrans. Killer had strongfer army including Broodlords.
Catz manages to take out last Broodlord. Killer still has bigger army but not tech buildings, not even spawning pool.
Crazy game.
Lot of crazy back and forth.
Catz finally forced to GG, Catz gives GG WP!
dKiller takes it 2-1 over colCatz
GG sir, I am a Catz fanboy, but that was awesome game!
Catz takes 3rd place.
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