Thursday, October 6, 2011

IPL 3 Day 1 Boxer vs Stephano

[edited to add VOD link  ]

This should be awesome!  Boxer vs Stephano!  I am becoming a Stephano fan.

This is a Bo3

Spoiler Alert

Game 1  Antiga

Boxer spawn at bottom left (8 O'clock) and Stephano bottom spawn (5 O'clock)

Boxer builds his 1st Rax behind his own natural mineral line.

14 hatch for Stephano. then pool Stephano started Extractor ~ 16 food

Boxer getting factory.

Speed started Rax building Reactor.

Roach warren started, Hellion on the way.

Stim started and Starport started.

10 lings and 3 roaches on the way.

4 roaches out

Spine going down wile Stepahno pushes, Boxer trying to get bunkers down.

Shut down Boxer's NAtural forces ORbital to lift, droning behind the push and gettting 3rd Queen.

2nd spine going down.

3rd hatch started.

LAir started about half done.

Evo is up at Setphano's Natural using it to narrow choke slightly.

Infestor pit started.  Ling attack upgrade, armor up for Zerg.

Stephano has Ovie in position to deny drop with ling support.

Siege Tech 1/3 done

3 Infestors on the wat, 4th one started.

Boxer trys drop into main but it is shut down at the cost of the scouting Ovie.  Was down on ouside corner.

Followed with drop on main mineral line, doesn't do much.

Stepano Taking gold for 4th.

Boxer taking 3rd, expanding towards Steano main, Tank hitting Roach warrne,

Steaphano pushes into  NAtrual, Boxer to spread out, is able to pressure NAtural then hit Boxer's  3rd.  Boxer's 3rd forced to retreat (Ithink.

Ultra Cavern going down.  Stephano has 4 bases, with Gold as his 4th, and has denied Boxer his 3rd repeatedly.

Crackling upgrade half done, 2 Ultras...nnow 3 ultras on the way.

Boxer attacks Stephano's Gold, but some awesome Infestor play drives it away, he spread IT out to let Infestors get close enough to tanks to drop IT on top of tanks, not spamming IT like Destiny does.

Ultras join the fight.

Boxer forced to GG

Stephano leads series 1-0

Game 2  Shakureas Plateau

Top Spawns, Zerg on left Terran on right.

Looks like Boxer was going for a 11/11 Rax but Stephano was scouting with drone and Ovie.

14 Hatch

Boxer hides a CC, before Rax, hidden behind sight blocker between Natrual and normal 3rd (3 O'Clock ).

1 Spine started and 6 lings made.

Boxer just takes his Natural and walls it with 3 Rax.
1 Spinecrawler out and 3 Queens.

Speed starded for lings.

Factory going up.

BAneling nest finishes right as Boxer pushes with some Marines and kills the 3rd queen and damages the spinecrawler.

Blue flame on the way.

Spire going down, banelings morphing.

BAneling Speed on the way.

Boxer pushes with marnies and blue flame hellions.  No he just pokes and scouts for 3rd, then Boxer pulls back after killing couple of creep tumors.

Forced Banelings to be made.

Few Mutas out, take down one refinery while getting 3rd hatch.

Two Thors on the way, +1 Air attack for the Mutas.

Burrow being researched.

4th Hatch going down, Mutas doing constant harass, not doing much damage.

5th Hatch one the way!!!  Boxer still on 2 base.

Looks like Burrowing Baens, trying to lure marines with the Muta harasss.  But Boxer scans for them before moving out of his natural.  Boxer is taking the safer close 3rd, outside the ledge of his main.

Almost 30 banes morphing in.

1/2 ups for Boxer 1/1 for lings.

Stephano attacks the 3rd and tokk out most of the Army of Tanks and marines.

87 drones!!!!

Infestor & roach tech started.

Boxer pushes a likke with MArine Tank and 1 Thor, but Stephano takes it out easy peasy.

Boxer is on 3 bases but Stephano is killing the 3rd with muta lings.

Boxer is now on two bases, Stephano still on 5 bases.

Boxer fored to GG.

Stehpano takes series 2-0

Game 3

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