Yes, I was hoping to see this matchup. Bo3
Stephano vs Kikiwaki.
Spoiler Alert
Game 2 is totally epic!
Game 1 Shakureas Plateau Close by air at top spawns [Kiwi on the right]
Kiwi opens with fast 2 Gate expand with chronoed 6 Zealot attack.
Stephano took a fast 3rd because of Toss fast expo, and Kiwi is able to snipe it with the 6 zealot attack.
Kiwi transitions into 2 Stargate Voidray.
Stephano responds with Roach ling attack, gets some lings into Kiwi's main and does some damage there and at natural.
Stephano adds Hydras and stops production on Roaches for the msot part. Just hydra ling.
Kiwi has 6 Voids and gateway army.
Kiwi has taken the safer close 3rd right outside the ledge of his main.
Stephano has retaken the more common 3rd and also added 4th going around the outside of his edge of the map.
Stephano is keeping constant pressure on Kiwi's 3rd and trading armies. So Kiwi's army is lagging in numbers but he is doing constand forge upgrades.
Stephano is getting Spire, Kiwi is adding 2 Robos.
Stephano is adding more Roaches.
Bigger push from Stephano forces Kiwi to GG.
Stephano leads series 1-0
Game 2 Shattered Temple Top [Kiwikaki] spawn Bottom [Stephano] spawn
Forge Fast Expand from Kiwikaki.
Just standard Hatch into Speedling for Stephano.
Stephano takes a Ninja (ish) 3rd at the 3 O'clock spot.
Kiwi is doing a 8 Zealot attack on the 3rd hatch, while his 3rd NExus is warping in, but Stephano is able to force cancel on 3rd NExus.
Stephano was also able to kill few probes.
Kiwi has Warp Prism on the wap and a Robo Support bay, while he takes his 3rd again.
Stephano pokes with a lot of Roaches, Sentries with FF block them but they are acle to snipe Forge and cancel +1 Armor.
Warp Prism harases 3rd hatch, and Stephano is taking his 4th.
Kiwi has his 3rd up is making Colossus and getting Thermal lance.
Kiwi is trying to scout with Hallucinated Phoenix, but Corrupters out and kill it, Hydras are on the map.
Wow, Kiwiwas warping units in from Prism at 4th hatch but Corrupters spot it and kill it.
Stephano has Hydra Corrupter army vs Colossus & Stalker and few Zealots.
Stephano has a few roaches but making mainly Hydras (about 2-1 Hydra to raoch I think)
Constant back and forth just outside Kiwi's gold, Kiwi is taking the gold as his 4th.
Corrputers keep just sitting and losing couple to staalkers before Stephano responds after main engagement (ie getting left on hold command and kiwi poke out a litte with stalkers).
Stephano has taken his gold as his 5th.
Fleet Beacon warking in.
Mother ship on the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Colossus numbers getting high (6 maybe 7).
Stephano pushes with Roach Corrupter but the Roaches fall fast to colossus.
Mothership is out and DT shrine done.
Blink Stalkers poke into main and do little bit of damage.
DT hit squad hitting 4th hatch but their are spines and a spore they don't do any real damage and the Queen transfuses the spore/spine that the DT were trying to focus down.
Mothership is staying by homw.
Kiwi death ball mainly Colossus and Blink stalkers snipe the 4th Hatch and then withdraw.
Stephano's Army catches them, but mass recall saves the day!!!!
Kiwi is moving out to force cancel on the 4th hatch location again.
Kiwi engages Zerg Army a bit then recalls army agins.
Broodlords were out.
Broddlords poking at the Kiwiw's GOld.
Kiwi is making Voidrays now, Stephano pushes gets a neural parasite on the Mothership briefly.
Air Attack upgrades on the way.
Kiwi's army snipes a hacth again and recalls army to safety.
Next fight takes out the Mothership.
But all Broodlords are gone.
Good Corrupter count.
4ish Broodlors are morphed and Stephano pressuring Main while attacking the Natural.
Bases are still close to even, but Kiwi is broke.
Kiwi is adds lots of Archons. Mainly archon stalker one or two colossus and another mothership.
Looking like he is trying to get archon toilet.
Stephano has edge.
Fight but Mothership is held back, Kiwi maybe afriad of NP?
Several of the ARchons get NP's and Kiwi does a recall, but NP units evidently don't get recalled, so he loses the ARchons that were still NPed.
Stephano is staying around 20-30 food ahead.
Stephano has also been doing constant small roach drops, one or two Ovie drops, during much of the game. Think these little drops are going to start having big impact.
Map is getting close to mined out.
ABout even resources and food now.
Basically every unit tech is out except for HT & Ultras AFAIK.
Full Energy Mothership is moving towards main while Kiwi's Army pokes at opposite side of the map!!!!!!!!!
Kiwi is moves his mothership back to his base while killing Hive and all tech buildings for Stephano!
Recall his army to his base!
Stephano is attack last real mining base of Kiwi, where Kiwi's Army and mothership are.
The Nexus is killed!
Kiwi has Tech advantage, but no economy, while Stephano has a bank and running ecnonmy.
Food count is close, Zerg has 14ish more.
50 minute game so far EPIC!
Mothership is around 90% energy.
Stephano is starting to creep his Spines forward.
Stephano has 11 Broods 25 Roaches and 8 Infestors, 40 lings, 14 drones, only 1 Queen.
Kiwi is mined out, 34 pribes, 5 Archons, 7 Colos, 12 Stalkers, 7 Mothership.
Probes are now in the deathball.
Kiwi is trying to snipe down Spines.
Move in for engagement.
Vortexs about half of the Zerg Army and draws back a little then gets rest ot the Zerg army in a second Vortex before teh first Vortex ends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only couple of Archons go in, but enough Colossus to kill off the Zerg ground army!!!!! Enough stalker Archons to kill off the Broodlords!!!!
TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stephano gives out the "Gratz" Kiwikaki takes game 2
Series tied up 1-1
Game 3 Metalopilis Cross Spawns Kiwikaki at 9 O'clock, Stephano at 3 O'clock
Kwi delays hatch a bit, so pool finishes about same time as hatch goes down.
Kiwi is doing Forge Fast expand, basically his standard vs Zerg???
Kiwi has a probe hideing in the gas vent of the close by Air Main to him (ie bottom left main).
Kiwi is going the 2 Gate chrono boost attack again. Only uses 4 zealots this time, followed by 2 more.
All of the Zealots are surrounded and killed though, no damage done by the Lots.
Few Pribes killed by lings.
Kiwi is going double stargate. Not scouted but Stephano is going Hydra anyway.
Stephano is taking his 4th base at same time that as Kiwi is taking his 3rd.
Stephano pokes out ant forces 3rd to cancel same time that Kiwi is poking.
Kiwi forces 4th hatch to cancel.
Kiwi puts proxy pylons down and pushes hard at the 3rd hatch.
Fast game. Kiwi throw out "GG WP" I think he may have been exhausted from teh long 2nd game.
GJ Stephano!
Stephano takes series 2-1
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