Friday, October 14, 2011

2011 MLG Orlando WhiteRa vs Stephano!

TTWhiteRa vs MStephano


I love both these guys.

Spoiler Alert

Game 1  Antiga Shipyard, Stephano top left spawn, WhiteRa bottom right.

Stephano's appears to be excited/honored to be playing Whitera from his in game GL HF comments.

Pool before hatch Stephano.  Think it was 15 Hatch.

Forge Fast expand for Whitera.

Lair started.

ThinkWhitera has 3 Gate Robo.

Warp Prism Warping in .

Hmm Stephano going Roaches.  Don't think I've seen him do roaches before except ZvZ.

Takes 3rd hatch/base.

Immortal warping in, Robo Support bay also warping in.

4 Zealot drop inbound.  But Stephano had bood Ling & Ovie map coverage, had solid drop defense up, and Warp Prism is killed without even dropping anything.

Spire Half done.

Stephano is taking Gold as his 4th.

Burrow on the way, Corrupters warping in.

Blink being researched.

Stephano pushes Roach + Corupter, takes down all 3 of the Colossus and then pulls back without losing any Corrupters I think, or only one maye.

Whitera has a mainly Stalker with few Immmortals and sentries army.

Hydra Den morphing in.

WhiteRa starts pushing, not making any Colossus, so Corupters worthless.

Hydra tech switch seems to do better vs Stalker Immortal Sentry army, but to late tech  swtich?

Think Whitera has this game.

yes, couple minutes later Stephano gives out "Gratz" which he normally does instead of GG  [ IIRC Gratz is shorthand for Congratulations ]

Whitera leads series 1-0

Game 2 Shakuras Plateau  Whietra Top left, Stephano bottom left spawn.

Whitera starting a wall at top of the ramp at his natural.  Gateway first.

Pool then gas from Stephano.  NAtrual was pylon drop.

Whietra gets his natrual started lot faster than Stephano becasue of the pylon block, 2 gate and Cyber so far from Whitera.

Stephamo made far number of lings 12 ish, Whitera pokes with a pair of zealots.

Think Whitera has a solid wall.

Quick 3rd for Stephano, but he scouted all over for prox pylons and tech, he actually split lings in to separate groups to scout whole map faster.

8:20 and Stephano already has creep half way or more to his 3rd, and his MAIN is all creeped.

Stephano does awesome creep spread!!!!!

Warp prism drop with 4 sentry drop leand outside the 3rd.  Warps in full round of Stalkers, but Stephano is on top of it and has lings there as stalkers warp in and roaches right behind the lings.

Robo Support bay warped in  behind that harass.

Getting Prism speed upgrade!!

Second Robo warping in,   Another drop from different angle on 3rd again, still didn;t do much damage.

Stephano taking his 4th.

Pumping 2 Colossus at a time.  Thermal lance and +1 Attack 75% done for Whitera.

Whitera doing timeing attack and taking his safe close 3rd behind timing attack.

Forward spine wall slows down the push a little.

Mutas come in and clean out the Colossus.  Roach support hidden under the Mutas.

Whitera throws out the "GG WP"

Series tied up 1-1

Game 3 Tal Darim Altar Stephano  spawns bottom left and Whitera at top right.

Forge fast expand from Ra.

both players saturatin their bases.

Speed upgrade, waarpgate research.

6:32 Stephano takes his 3rd hatch at more of 4th base location 6 O'clock position.

Robo warping in.

Roach warren morphing in.

WArp Prism warping in, Robo support bay warping in also.

Roaches on the way.

+ 1 attack finishes for Whitera timed with zealot drop, cool!

Warp prism speed being upgraded.

7 drones killed.

Whitera taking his 3rd.

Immortals being produced.

Roach push at 3rd.  Forced cancel or killed it couldn't tell.  Only one Colossus.

Spire half done.

Whitera restarts 3rd nexus.

Another Prism being made.

Big ling and roach push, with Mutas in production.

2 Immortal drop inbound at 3rd, warp zealots in to support Immortal drop.

Drop well defended again, Mutas chase it down and kill Prims with one immortal in it.

+1 Air attack almost done for Zerg.

Blink half done, nfestation pit 1/3 done.

Drak shrine started.  Burrow being reserched, bunch of spines and a spore or two in production.

Whitera takes his 4th.

Mutas cloud hit natural of Protoss.

Whietra drives Mutas out and catchs them in their escape with his main army, but loses his Colossus to the Mutas, roaches join the fight but Whitera has upgrade advantage.

Stalkers hitting 3rd, Lings hit 4th.

Dark Shrine is 60% done.

Hive on the way.

Whitera kills the 3rd but that only brings stephano down to 4 bases.

DTs are out, DT Zealot snipe Stephanos 5th, so he is down to 3 bases.  Ra is on 4 base.

Stephano gets his 3rd back up, DT warp in by it, but go past becasue no drones there go to next closest base and start killing drones.

Stephano snipes Ra's 4th.

SOrry so much going on I can't type fast enough.

Archon STalker army for whitera.

+3 attack +1 armor for Protoss.

has blink.

Mutas roach engaes toss army.

I think Stephano is winning, he is getting mined out, and doesn't have the production that Stephano does.

Whitera is long distance mining while his 4th warps in again.

Stephano is maxed out on food whitera is at 120 food.

Infestors are out and NP finsihes!!

Whitera has a Colossus + Probe deathball ROFL!

Stephano puses back and forth, he doesn't seem sure waht to do.

Finally he pushes at the 4th again.

Few stalkers are attack steaphons 3rd agin.

SEntries at Ra's 4th run out of energy, roaches get in....WOW Whitera holds his 4th!!!

NExt wave of roaches attack the 4th.

Probes are dieing.

Awesome GAME!  Whitera "GG WP" 
Stephano wins series 2-1 in a very hard fought set of games!!!!!

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