Friday, October 14, 2011

2011 MLG WhiteRa vs Fangzhou Open Round 2

WhiteRa [P] vs Fangzhou [T]


Go WhiteRa!!!

Spoiler Alert

Game 1  MLG Tal Darinm AltarFangzhou top left spawn, WhiteRa bottom right spawn

Rax followed by gas.

Gate followed by Gas.

2nd Rax


Reaper on the way & Concussiono sheel on the way.

Warp gate and 2nd gate.
CC building at the Natural.

3rd Gate on the way.

2nd gas for Whitra.

Reaper in Whitera's main gets one probe maybe two.

Nexus started at natural.

Stim  started.

Twilight and forge warping in.

Starport building.

Charg being researched (thinking DT archon zealot?)

Zealots warping in 3 at a time

Whitra takinga a 3rd @ 9:11
also throwing down Robo, probably going to be Warp Prism :D

Templar Archives warping in, so I was wrong about DT.

Double drop from Terran moving in, marine marauder drop.

They snipe the templar archive.

Fangzhou is looking grandmaster level to me, his name sounds vaguely famliar.

HT are out Strom being researched.

7Gates up

Little poke at Whitera's 3rd.

WhiteRa has been doing constant upgrades Attack and armor at the forge.

Archons out Stomr done.

Fangzhou is keeping constant pressure up, but now that storm is done, WhiteRa is startig to push and takes control of the center, though it takes some skirmishing.

Ghost are out.

MAruader haevy comp for Terran.

Second forge going down??

4th Nexus warping in.

Big push from WhiteRa, trying to use warprism to keep HT energy, but no storms landed before they were killed.

ACtually I thnk WhiteRA is taking a 5th base and he hit Terran's 3rd hard.

Another big attack on Terrans 3rd.

WhiteRa adding some gates.

Even getting shield upgrades.

WhiteRa keeps hitting Terans 3rd.

Finally to much for Fangzhou.

GG WP from Fangzhou.

WhiteRA leads series 1-0

Game 2  Close by air on Shattered Temple Fengzhou at 9 O'clock, Whitera at the 6-7 O'clock

Sorry missed first couple of minutes and then had a little stutter or buffer lag :(  not real bad.

Think it is a 3 gate Robo from Whitera.

  Yes 3 gate robo.

Reaper opening again with 3 Rax and Bunker at top of Rap from Terran.  Two Tech one reator.

Warp Prism done, stim about half done.

3 Zealot + Stlaker drop, no Conc shell yet.

Lost one zealot.

Twilight Warped in.

Conc Shell being researched .

Warp prism harass denying mining at the Main of T.

Sentrys trying to hold Terrans counter attack.

MArauders get up, but Zealots clean it up.

But not Conc SHell done.

Dark shrine almost done.

Still has warp prism, headed out for 4 zealot drop.

Zealots harass main, then 2 DT's warped in, Fangzhou GG's with a :) and GL.

WhiteRA wins series 2-0

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