Saturday, October 8, 2011

2011 IPL 3 Day 3 Idra vs Artist

RGN.Artist vs EG.Idra


Look for my other post about Artist Thundertoss really likes Artist.

Spoiler Alert

Game 1 Shakuras Plateau  Idra bottom right, Artist upper lefft spawns. Cross postiitons

Two Rax I think.

Artist gets the 3 bunker choke up at Idra's Natural.

But Idras has Spinecrawler up.  And 2nd Spinecrawler get up.  Inital bunker pressure defended no problem.

But Hatch is at about 50% HP

Still lot of marines at he choke to the natural.

Yes it was 2 Rax, 3rd Rax going up now after CC started at Artist's natural.

Artist pull his marines back.

Stim on the way and starport on the way.

Artist is sharking back and forth from his naturals choke and the center and the Towers.

Medivacs from Starport with reactor.

Spire going down.  A Viking on the way.

Just Marine MEdivac and Viking so far.

Stim poke/push/pressure with Medivac support.

A single marine scouts Idra's 3rd at normal 4th location.

Artist drops it with single medivac, but idra kept his ling bling there, and brought mutas also kills everything easy also gets the viking (that was coming to save the medivac maybe)?

Mutas did nice hit at main.

Muta ling bling vs marine tank medivac

15 Mutas poking at main again only one turret.

2nd turret goes up but sniped right away.

Mutas keep killing on of the Ebays to slow down ups.

a few lings get into natural and get some SCV kills.

22 Mutas out.

Lings get into main, just a few.

Idra is staying real active with muta and lings really good scouting.

Lost couple of tanks to mutas, because he didn't have marines positioned well or respond quickly.Artist is looking a little off today for reaction speed (jet lag?).

Thors are out.

Idra has his half o fthe map and Artist has 4 bases.

Broodlords are out.

Broodlords are hitting the safe 3rd outside main ledge of ARtist.

Some fungals go down on the Vikings.  Killing them.

Idra pokes several times with Brooklords to draw out the vikings and killing them with Fungals.

Idra starts Ultra cavern during this Broodlord pressure.

Idra has forced Artist to make lots of Vikings now after last fight he is producing 11 Ultras!!

Big fight but the Ultras just roll over the ground army of Terran.

Artist forced to GG

Idra leads series 1-0

GAme 2  Crevasse  Top Spawns  Idra top left Artist top right

Reactor Hellion from Artist.

Lings and a spine for Idra, speed on the way.

Fast 3 command center.

Stim on the way.

Hellions patrolling outside Idra's natural choke to contain.

Artist tries to poke with Hellions, but when he tries to pull them out Idra gets a Sweet Surround in front of the two spones, so all the helions die doing no real damage.

One Viking out, scout Idra.

Mutas out +1 Muta attack.

Marine Tank Medivac from Artist.

Artist takes his 3rd and gettin 6th Rax.  Not many addons yet,

Mutas find and snipe Ebay again.  (Idra really seems to hate ebays :-D )

3 medivacs, one drops main.

Idra counters at 3rd with muta ling bling.  Tanks were unsieged.

Idra pushes into the main.

Artist forced to GG.

Idra takes series 2-0

Game 3

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