Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TLO vs GoOdy Showmatch about to begin! It is a Bo5

German language StreamEnglish language stream.

Fan of both these players.  But I really hate mirror matchups.

Best of 5 Showmatch.

Vod & Replays are supposed to be up, don't know how long it will take.  Endrey will have VOD at least up on his page here.

Spoiler Alert.

Game 1  Cross Spawns don't know the map, and the streams are having issues.  [I am also running on only one machine, my desktop is down, I can't have as many streams running as I am used to for this]

 TLO opens with hellion/marine opening.  Takes his Natural at ~8:10, CC/Orbital was made in Main ahead of time.

Looks like Goody went starport bit faster than TLO, since TLO was focused on getting NAtural up.

Lots of Tanks on boths sides fighting for the middle.  Goody also has Thors in addition to his Tanks.  Also looks like Goody has edge in Vikings numbers but TLO has Raven to somewhat address that.

TLO got Tanks in the middle earlier so he has bit bitter position, TLO can mine one of the Golds on this map (both golds are in the center near Xel Naga Tower

Hellions and Vikings dropping into ground mode harass back and forth by both players vs enemy's expos.

Goody pushes to take center away from TLO, Goody takes it, he sure seems good at breaking siege tank lines.  He usually seems to do it with ground forces, he makes it look easy.

Few more engagements after Goody takes center of map away from TLO.  Goody keeps getting more of an advantage.


Goody leads series 1-0

Game 2  GSL Xel Naga Fortress (three spawn locations)  TLP spawns Top location and Goody at the bottom location (so 3 O'Clock position is empty)

Both going 1 Rax & 1 Factory.

TLO is scouting with Rax.  Goody is pushing with 3 Marines and 1 SCV.  TLO holds it off with marines and hellions.

But Goody did delay CC building, while getting 2 Starports behind this poke.  But they are scouted by TLO's flying Rax.

BAnshee and Viking on the way for Goody, while blue flame is about half done for TLO.

TLO also got a starport up, just one I think, and he has viking out and making more vikings.

TLO hits Goody's Natural with Blue flame timing attack and killed over 20 SCV's.

Goody responds with Banshee + Viking attack on TLO's Natural.

Goody has stronger Air, has 2 Banshees and 2 Vikings after all of TLO's Vikings gone.

TLO loses his NAtural to the Banshee's, while Goody lands his Vikings in TLO's Main to do more damage.  TLO gets a pair of THors out, but Goody kept his 2 BAnshees alive.

TLO pushes with the THors at Goody's natural.

Goody sufferes some damage from the attack, but takes out the Thors with his few marines, several hellions, and Banshees with claok.

Close game they are within 3 SCV's , but Goody has 20 food lead, but Goody doesn't have any tanks or Thors out & TLO is making Thors still.

Wups, Goody does have tanks now, takes Center with Xel Naga Tower.

TLO build couple of Refineries at what should be his 4th and takes his actual 3rd (leaving only refineries at the 4th location) Goody attacks the refineries with Banshees abut they get sniped with scan and vikings.

Goody hits TLO's 3rd with blueflame hellions and does some damage to workers.

TLO attacks Goody's 3rd.

It is fairly successful, TLO now has 10 or so food lead.

Think TLO has temporary tank leaad, and has taken control of center for a little while.

TLO pulls back to just outside his 3rd, Goody retakes center uncontested.

Food is about even Goody has small lead.

Looks like TLO tried to flack the center position but it was spotted & at first it looked like Goody was going to be able to take out TLO's 4th, but TLO landed his vikings and I think that was tipping point.

After the fight and one right after TLO ends up with slight food lead (about 3-4 food difference).

Bunch of back and forth attacks with no real change in balance of power.

TLO has Cloacked Banshees also now.

TLO has upgrade advantage, Goody has Zero upgrades.

Some more pushing in the middle, TLO manages to takem several tanks out with his 4 cloacked banshees.  Then is able to follow up before Goody can reinforce.

Goody GG

Series tied 1-1

Game 3 Bel Shir Beach

TLO scouts again with Rax, Goody walled with RAx and depot.  Goody has 1 Rax, 1 Factory, 1 Starport.  Makaing Hellios Tanks, Vikings.

TLO is going Thors again.

Goody pushes with 2 Tanks, marine and vikings, and tries to make couple of Bunkers.  TLO cleans it up as soon as his pair of Thors pop out, like 15 seconds after hits his base.

TLO pushes with three Thors.  Goody doesn't have enough to hold it, Goody forced to GG.

TLO is up 2-1

Game 4  GSL Crossfire SE

TLO is building his first Rax in a bit forward unlikely to be scouted on first pass location.  Follows Rax with Factory.  Ah  TLO just using the Rax for Scouting again just shorter flight with build location.

Goody has blue flame on the way 1 Rax and 1 Factory I think. 

TLO has proxy Starport.  Banshee & cloak on the way.

TLO building 2nd Banshee keeping first hidden so far.

Goody built CC and then starts Starport.

TLO pushes in with 2 BAnshees when cloak finishes.

Goody only had couple of marines, Goody was puttting Tech lab on starport so he builds Viking when he sees Banshee & follows it with Raven.

Goody responds well and runs SCVs away from BAnshee and doesn't loose to many in first attack.

But TLO keeps pressure up with Banshees even after Raven out.  TLO has about 10 SCV lead.  Part of that was Banshee denying mining.

Goody has stabilized but still not scouted proxy Starport.

Ah now he finds it with a viking, Goody lands viking to tacke out tech lab on proxy starport.

TLO is pushing he has 6 Banshees and several tanks. 

Goody doesn't have enough to defend.  Forced to GG

TLO takes it 3-1

Happy for TLO, but like I said above I am a fan of both of these players.

Thanks to everyone involved in the Showmatch.

Game 3 was my favorite.

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