Team Guns 'n Broaches [Protoss/Zerg] vs Team Wizzards [Terran/Zerg].
GO GAB!!!!
Spoiler Alert
Game 1 Wizzards walling. Wizzards are Terran/Zerg team
Minigun is asking again, he does every game, if he needs to wall off. Destiny never really answers and Minigun always walls.
The drama with Destiny on voip. LOLS.
Minigun is getting Robo Support bay, while getting a Obs.
Adding 2nd robo for Double Colossus production.
Destiny massed Roaches.
Wizzard pushing/poking about with Roaches few Infestors, Bio, couple Medivacs, and some Vikings.
GAB has lots of Colossus roaches and Infestors. Big fight Team GAB came out ahead. Destiny has been sniping expos with roaches.
SO MANY Colossus!!! More than 8!!!!!!!!
No Stalkers, evidently you don't need real AA with massed Colossus and Fungal.
GG WP from Wizzards.
Team GAB up 1-0
Game 2 Scorched Haven map
Destiny and Minigun said they are rushing not sure if they are serious.
Wizzards doing ling attack. Forces Mini to cancel som structures.
Wizzards doing hellion lings and Team GAB just realized it.
Destiny has roaches out. They defend, Destiny has lot of roaches, but Minigun took some damage.
Think teams are about even. Destiny told Minigun to go Colossus.
Sounds like Destiny and Mini are getting smarter for 2v2, they have Minigun going double robo and Desinty is making roaches and feeding gas to Mini.
Wizzards are going for a stim timing push with ling, hellion, maruader, and couple of medivacs.
Destiny looses all his roaches, Minigun has 2 Colossus out.
Now he has 3 Colossus out. Team GAB just figured out how to request resources instead of just blindly sending resources.
Wizzards pushes, but Mini has 6 Colossus out.
Series tied 1-1
Game 3 Boneyard Map
Wizzards going for real fast ling marauder pressure. Follwoing it up with banelings.
Minigun only had one gate up, don't think Team GAB have realized that zerg has to protect Toss in the early game if Toss doesn't do cannon or some type of cheese pressure. Though in 2v2 cannon rush and proxy pylons are not really cheese, according to Day9
WIzzards win 2-1 & I believe this knocks Team GAB out of the tournament.
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