Go DongRaeGu!!!!!!!!!!
Finals series is a Bo5.
Really good Series! [Just Finals link] [ Whole Dreamhack Valencia Invitational VOD link ]
Spoiler Alert
Game 1 Bottom spawns on Shakuras
Thorzain staying on 1 base. Going for Stim and blue flames.
DRG 7 roach attack. off two bases and throws down 3rd hatch behind the roach push.
Thorzain didn't do enough scouting, wasn't expecting Roaches I don't think.
DRG killed a lot of SCV before Thorzain cleans up the attack.
DRG starts saturating his 3rd. Starts spire.
Thorzain does a poke past the center with couple of tanks and hellions to kill creep tumors.
DRG puts down 4th hatch, Thorzain hasn't scouted it. And gets mutas when spire finishes.
DRG starts harassing when the Mutas pop, Thorzain has some trouble defending and is pinned on two basses by the Mutas and Roaches.
DRG keeps poking at the front, I think DRG understands that Zerg wants to exchange units to prevent Terran from getting a maxed army out. It isn't cost efficient but as long as your have twice as many bases as the enemy it will work very well.
Eventually Thorzain is able to push out and takes the close 3rd base when he gets a Thor out.
But DRG keeps the pressure up constantly. Attriting Thorzains forces constantly. DRG keeps teching up and expanding while holding Thorzains army down.
DRG has a few Infestors out to cover the transition to Greater Spire and Broodlords.
But the constant pressure of Mutas, Roaches, & then Infestor fungal combined with Banelings is to much and Thorzain forced to GG.
DRG leads series 1-0
Game 2 Top Spawns on Tal Darim (not sure on the map)
HAtch first for DRG
No gas for Thorzain
I rax, Factory, Starport
DRG scouting and poking with lings, getting speed for lings.
Lings scout hellions so spine thrown down at natural.
Spire goes down.
Thorzain elevatoring Marines and hellions in to the main. Fast tech to Muta might cost DRG here. HE loses ~18 drones and at least one queen before he cleans it up.
Mutas are out, 6 in total. Looks like Marine Tank for Thorzain. Stim, +1 for Marines, & Siege Tech all on the way.
DRG keeping Mutas active with constant harass and pressure, keeping Thorzain pinned in his bases. Thorzain is taking his 3rd and starts pusing with the MArine Tanks, not many medivacs yet.
Mutas have +1 attack now, but +@ attack and armor on the way for marines.
BAneling speed on the way.
Thorsazin takes the middle very carefully. Game slow a bit as both sides wait for upgrades and max armies.
Thirty Mutas out, Thorzain tries some good double drops, from multiple angles, but the Muta cloud kills the back drop and the ground army handles the other drop no problem.
The Mutas deny expo by Thorzain, then attack into main/natural base area. Hitting tecch labs & Ractors.
When the marins pull back to deal with it DRG attacks the sieged tanks near his bases.
Thorzain just remains with a contain of well placed Tanks and marines.
Finally DRG realizes he won't break the contain despit several serious attempts gives the "GG WP"
Series tied 1-1
Game 3 Top/Bottom Spawns Terminus RE
Hatch first of course on this map.
1 Rax, 2 Factory.
DRG gets Roaches, and pokes, they peek at Natural but nothing there yet but the CC, so they attack wall at top of ramp of main kill one depot breaking the wall. Then they kill the one tank that was defeneding, all his marines were out on the map scouting & poking.
But Thorzain cleans it up, doing elevator attack again with blueflame hellions and marines, with Banshee with cloak on the way.
The Banshee joins the attack, but spire finishes and Mutas started.
Roaches cleanup ground forces but the cloaked Banshee is unchecked.
DRG finally gets a Overseer morphed & few Mutas to save the Queen, Banshee is dead. DRG finally cleans up the attack.
Starts harassing with Roaches, think he is trying to mass mutas before attacking much with them.
Neat play style form Thorzain I hadn't realized he does, he saved up his Orbital energy, not using many mules until he gets the 3rd and then mules the 3rd like crazy, so he has natural & main minerals in reserve in bad situation.
Mutas start harasssing 3rd but stimmed marines drive them off pretty quick.
Thorzain is slowly pushing across the map, DRG has ninja expo at 7=8 O'clock postistion (he spawned 6 O'clock spot), hasn't been spotted.
DRG is going Ultra & Crackling with the Mutas!
Thorzain's push gets to edge of DRG's bases, but the Ultras come out and clean up the attack easily.
Also a few Infestors to support the Ultras. Thorzain fights hard, but totally unprepared for Ultras!
"GG WP" from Thorzain
DRG leads series again 2-1
Game 4 Top Spawns Antiga Shipyard
Hatch First for DRG
1 Rax, 1 Factory, quick CC (build in the main)
Speed on the way for lings.
Stim on the way.
Lair started.
4 Orange flame hellions pokeing at DRG's Natural.
2 More Rax going down.
BAneling nest and spine going down.
Spire started also.
7 Mutas started as Thorzain pushes with no siege mode Tanks & Marines. One scan and some tumors killed, Thorzain is going awesome job of limiting creep spread in this game.
Mutas try to Harass, but great marine positioning blocks back side flight route, brilliant choice of flying Mutas through the main to escape saves them.
Thorzain pushes with Siege timing push, but banelings get through tanks before they siege and do fair damage to marines. So Muta ling able to clean it up.
DRG now has about 30 supply lead.
YES DRG going to do Baneling bust, only one or two tanks.
Tank and depot wall goes down, but Thorzain retreating into building maze save most of the marines.
DRG is taking south Gold, haha Thorzain is taking north gold.
Thorzain also hs drop going the LONG way around.
It lands at the 3rd of DRG that was weakend by early push, he takes it down.
DRG attacks Thorzain's gold base from both sides with banelings and mutas. Does good damage.
Thorzain didn't full rewall his natural from the baneling bust attempt, lings attack and get in and do some damage and Thorzain actaully walls out his responging marines briefly, think he is getting flustered a bit.
DRG hits gold base again once marines pulled to deal with lings in the main.
DRG still has 20 ro so food lead, is taking 5th base at botthm left, don't think that or the south gold has been scouted by Thorzain.
Finally Thorzain has central Xel Naga Tower and spots south gold base and gets tanks in to deny it, marines kill it off.
Thorzain is now slightly ahead on food, 3-4 food lead.
Infestors out, but Thorzain starting to do multiple drops from different angles. He finds and drops the 5th base at bottom left, when mutas respond to that he drops 2 medivacs in the main, marines are +2/+2 and they snipe the Spawning pool before they are killed.
But DRG again starved for minerals, GG
Series tied up 2-2
Game 5 Metalopolis Far spawns.
Htach first
Rax, Fatory, then CC in main.
Reactor on Factory.
Speed on the way for lings.
Stim on the way.
Only two hellions from factory then it is lifted and Rax built on Reactor. Factory makes Tech lab, 3rd Rax started also.
Lair started.
3rd base before spire for DRG.
Maarine, Tank so far plus 4 hellions.
Thorzain poking out with 2 tanks and stim marines and the hellions, lings backstab the natural and do some damage.
3rd base of DRG is sniped.
Mutas and +! flyer attack on the way. Siege Tec on the way and marine upgrades.
DRG double expands and add a macro hatch!
Thorzain pushes with +! stime maries and siege upgraded tanks.
Baenling speed half done.
Thorzain unsieges and starts pulling back after killing creep tumors, but lings, blings, & Mutas catch the force on creep unsieged and clean it up.
Now DRG has a 12ish food lead.
Thorzain knows he is a bit behind and is trying to take Gold.
Banelings morphing at what should be Thorzain's 3rd if he hadn't taken gold for 3rd.
BAnelings go in do fair damage to SCV's, whiel Mutas hit main mineral line.
DRG has 70ish food lead, I think DRG has it at this point.
20 mutas out, they keep pressuring Gold mineral line and main, while lings hitting form other sides.
LOTS of baneling morphed in on far side of gold, the take down the PF at the gold.
So Thorzain is on 2 bases, his main and Natural and less than 40 workers.
Thorzain drops DRG's 5th and snipes it, but I don't think it will be anywhere near enough.
DRG has about 30 Mutas.
Ultra Cavern up, few Infestors out.
DRG attacks the rebuilt PF and the Gold with Blings, Mutas & Infestors.
Actually gets the banelings on the mineral side so they kill all the SCV's and mules plus take down the PF.
Thozain GG
DRG wins Series 3-2
DRG also wins 2011 Dreamhack Valencia Invitational!
Funny in the award ceromony, DRG gets Champaigne in addtion to the check, and they have him open it and he takes a drink right from the bottle.
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