Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cliff's Esport Corner SITREP

As many of you have noticed, I haven't had many posts lately.

IRL stuff, my significant other had some surgery, and needed help 24/7 for some time afterwards.

Very happy to say that everything went very well for her, and that she is recovering quickly, though not quickly enough to make her happy ^_^

Things are to the point where I can start posting regular again, though it will probably start slowly and build back up to normal pace.

I didn't get to follow CES 2014 news very closely, so I would welcome anything of interest or comment about that, either in comment section or on Twitter @CliffsEsport or link

I have been following the Target Credit Card Hack with great interest though, working on blog post about it, but can strongly reccomend Brian Krebs articles on it

IIRC Brian was the one that broke the story originally,, I remember seeing his Tweet about his Mom being interviewed about it at Target, while my girlfriend was still in the hospital.

Thanks to all my readers!

And a special thanks to everyone who offered good wishes, support, & prayers for my girlfriend's surgery & recovery, it was greatly appreciated by both of us!

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