Saturday, September 15, 2012

Random Wikipedia of the Day (RWotD): Steam Car, not just a Cyberpunk theme

I am labeling this a Random Wikipedia of the Day (RWotD), though it isn't really random for me, I have been interested in Steam powered Cars for a long time.

I also know Bruce Bethke who you could argue created Cyberpunk.  If your into Cyber punk you should read his comments on it

Though I don't think we ever talked about Cyberpunk, we talked more about Technical Writing, since we both have done that, and his experiences working with Hollywood for a book tie in with a movie.

Since this is a RWotD post might as well add Bruce's Wikipedia link 

Course if Bruce reads this he will probably be going who the heck is Cliff, if he remembers me, we only talked at couple of parties thrown by mutual friend, he knows me by my real name or my other nick name ^_^

Now back to steam powered cars.

Steam, aka External Combustion Engine ECE for short, cause the combustion/burning occurs on the "outside" of the actual engine (Pistons or Turbine) vs Internal Combustion Engines, ICE for short, like the more familiar Gas/Petrol & Diesel engines, where the combustion/burning occurs inside the pistons provides some real benefits.

Steam engines allows for pretty easy multifuel use, you can use Propane, Petrol, Diesel, Hydrogen, etc. and can switch between those fuels easily.

Because the fuel is just used to heat the water, you can also use many different types of fuels, a Steam Engine's Boiler is somewhat like a hot water heater or Teapot, only higher temperature.

The tea pot or Boiler doesn't care if you use a Gas,  Electricity, Propane, Charcoal, or Alcohol.

Fact is you can even use the heat from radioactive decay for steam generation, that is actually how Nuclear Power Plants work to make electricity.

Downsides to Steam power is that you can't just turn them on and go, as general rule, just like a teapot you need to wait a little while for the water to heat up enough to produce steam before you can move.

But a Steam Electric Hybrid would solve that problem easily!

The Battery would provide power to move right away, while the Boiler builds up Steam.

Since it would be trivially easy to make a dual fuel Steam engine (just put in two separate burners & fuel tanks), this type of car would also allow for a painless transition AWAY from Oil based fuels.

One burner & fuel tank could be made to use Diesel or Gasoline,  while the second burner & dank could use a cleaner and/or more renewable fuel like Wood Pellets or Bio Mass Pellets for now, perhaps Hydrogen later.

That would allow you to use Green Fuel as much as possible, while still being able to refuel with normal Gas/Petro/Diesel if needed!

While your at it, why not add TEG (Thermal Electrical Generation) which is something like a high output thermocouple, to the exhaust or boiler for a bit more efficiency and electricity?

If you think TEG looks neat, you can buy a BioLite CampStove or HomeStove and start charging your iPod, iPhone, or Android device with fire.

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