TSL Polt vs Monchi on Bel'Shir Beach, cast by Crota.
This is a beautiful little game. Toss uses a DT opening that has a lot of flexibility. I think of this as forcing an opponent down a path that you want them on, or as Yin/Yang. Yin/Yang because your pushing in one direction, and if enemy pushes back, you just start pulling, either way you take them off balance.
This game has very tight, or close timing, the push by Terran is barely held. But that is the strongest way to defend in early stages of the game, if you barely hold it, that means your not wasting any resources on defense that didn't need to be spent on defense!!!
This game shows how difficult DT really are for Terran in the early stages of the game, if Terran doesn't have detection it is GG.
But every Scan is worth ~270 minerals, every Turret is worth 100 minerals. So every Turret forced out of Terran after he realizes DT is one less Marauder or Medivac he can make! This also means with a tight build the gas he planned to use for Marauder or Medivac is wasted, because it can't be spent.
And if Terran does build those Turrets, then he has to deal with a big ball of lightning! As this games shows.
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