Friday, January 27, 2012

Starcraft 2 Thoughts: ZvT Beating Terran

I got thinking about this some time ago after hearing first Destiny's, and then later Grubby's comments about their showmatch vs each other.  Destiny was basically humbled, he was more overwhelmed by Grubby's play than Huk's.

Destiny said that Grubby was using Hallucination constantly, that it was like map hacks, and that all Protoss players should do it.

Grubby said something like Destiny doesn't even understand his own race.  Which struck me as true, though very incomplete.  And not entirely fair, I don't think any Zergs really understand their race yet.

I had been stumbling towards the more general idea that no Zerg seemed to really understand their Race's strong points (I think Stephano is something on an exception to this, and big part of the reason he has been so successful lately).  One quick example, Roaches are really strong early in the game, but except for all ins the only time I have ever seen Pro Zerg use Roaches much was when they played on the earlier versions of Metalopolis were they could get a close spawns by ground.  Or when they are forced to.

Thing is I noticed they usually won those timing attacks.  So Roach timing pushes are very strong early.

Couple of other things about standard Muta Ling, with or without Banes, vs Marine Tank struck me as really bad.

One Mutas are REALLY expensive, they cost 100 minerals/100 gas/2 food, and it seems like Pro Players need around 25 or so Mutas to do much with them.  That is 2500 Minerals/2500 Gas/50 Food!!!  Realize that is same, exact, cost as 20 DT's (with 10 Food left over)!  Or 16-17 Tanks (with gas left over)!!!

I like the DT comparison best, because Mutas have 120 HP vs the DT 40HP/80 Shield, hmm 120hp to 120 HP.  Mutas have 5.9 DPS (+ 0.7 per upgrade)(about 7.9 DPS if you count splash) vs DT's 26.6 DPS (+3 per upgrade).  I'll let others argue merits of flying vs cloak.

I think Roach Baneling Corrupter is a lot better, specially if Zerg gets burrow first over any other upgrade.  Roaches are just a little faster than Banelings if both have speed upgrades, and there is no reason to waste resources on armor upgrades in early game this way.

Roaches can burrow to heal, with Tunneling Claws they heal faster than Medivac heals, and Drones can burrow to evade Hellion run ins or drops, functionally using Burrow to defend workers cause some of the same problems for Terran as Toss using DT for drop defense.

Make 6 Corrupters for drop defense,  6 Corrupters will 2 Shot Medivacs, they also have a base 2 Armor so they can laugh at Marines and Thors.  So you can make a few more for effective scouting, and if you get an early Greater Spire you can make Terran build Vikings early if he scouts it, or fly some scouting Corrupters to back side of mineral lines and morph them into Broodlords for a harass.

Maybe if you want to be real cheeky you can even drop Nydus in mineral line with Broodlings raining down.
If your not wasting resources on ground armor, you can easily be getting Missile and Melee attack upgrades at the same time.

This also lets you tech switch between Broodlords, Ultras, or even Hydras easily if needed.

Think about +3 Attack Hydra's tech switch with drop or nydus. With a Nydus you can have units rallied straight to the Nydus, making it hard for Terran to see your unit comp.

The other problem I have was the huge Banks Zerg players would build. 

In RTS (Real Time Strategy) games that is something so wrong everyone knows it, yet I never see any Zerg Pros even attempt to address the issue! 

If nothing else make a bunch of Overseers and Contaminate like a Boss!

Though recently I have seen Stephano start to make a lot of spines, which I think is very good idea, I just wish he would add some Spores, at least vs Protoss, to deny Obs.

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