Monday, December 12, 2011

Starcraft 2 Thoughts: Proactive Zerg! LiquidHaypro vs RGNinori

As my regular followers and friends know well, I am a big Catz fan, even though I play Protoss.  I offrace as Zerg.  I also Coach all three races, but still weakest at Terran,

This game demonstrates very clearly that Zerg doesn't have to play Passive or Reactive if they don't want to.

Couple of my thoughts below VOD.

This isn't any different than a Protoss using a Pylon to black Natural of Zerg, or a Pylon wall, or a Pylon + Canon to delay taking Natural.  Catz will often do Proxy Hatches as Standard response to Pylon block, Cannon Rush, or similar attacks.

A Hatch is only 300 Minerals, so only 50 minerals more than 1 Pylon + 1 Cannon, but a lot more Hit Points, and it spreads a little Creep.

I really like the Queen and Creep Tumor play by Haypro, that little bit of play added a lot of benifit for the 150 minerals of a Queen (hmm same cost as a Cannon).

I really think Zerg should use Proxy Hatches or Nydus + Queen + Creep Tumor more, you won't always be able to deny Natural like happened in this game, but how many players Scout their 3rd or 4th early?  If you get even one creep Tumor down and spaced out the spawned Creeped Tumors well, it can be very strong even against a Terran.

Specially if you add a Spine or Evo to the Creep (to block Building site & get Broodlings) if you do the Nydus + Queen, a Nydus Worm is the same cost as a single Muta.

The other big concept behind this, if your doing it to Enemy's 3rd or 4th base, is that if you have a Hatch down, or a Nydus + Creep Tummor + 1 or 2 Spines, you are creating several counterattack and backstab opportunities.  With a Nydus and couple of Spines with Creep Tumor Present, you could unload Lings, Banes, or Hyrdras, or maybe even add some Burrowed Banelings.

It also gives you the chance to use the military techniques of Belisarius, of creating a strong fortified postilion were the enemy has to attack, or feels they have to attack.  Terran Bunker Rushes are a form of this tactic.  Since you can use Spines which are cheap and cost no food, with a few spores for Air defense, you have to send drones through Nydus since Spines can't use Nydus, or make Drones at the Proxy Hatch if using Hatch.

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