Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Nerd News: LastPass Back Up

LastPass has been down for a while, but according to LastPass and other reports it should be back up, though there may still be some issues.

Sounds like they only use 2 datacenters, or maybe even only single primary one with a "backup".
"Update: 1:28 pm EST

Though one of our data centers remains completely down, the service is generally stable and should be available to the majority of users (with the exception of login favicons). Some users may see connection errors but should still be able to access their data. We continue to work as quickly as possible to get the service back to 100%. "
       Source http://blog.lastpass.com/

"Aug 12, 2014 - One of LastPass' datacenters has been down since 3:57am EDT. The service is now running fully off one Herndon VA datacenter and we have been engaged with our provider all morning. Currently favicons/sprites are impacted. We are doing what we can to minimize the impact and apologize for the inconvenience. "

       Source https://lastpass.com/status.php

Also http://www.isitdownrightnow.com/lastpass.com.html 

For LastPass users that want an offline solution to prevent this type of problem in future consider LastPass Pocket

This is LastPass link specifically about offline access https://helpdesk.lastpass.com/password-manager-basics/your-lastpass-vault/offline-access-to-your-lastpass-vault/ 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Def Con 21: "Pentesting with an Army of Low-power Low-cost Devices"

Couldn't go to Def Con 22, waiting for vods to come out, so started watching some of the Def Con 21 Youtubes in the meanwhile.

I like this one about Pen Testing with cheap Arm devices by Dr. Philip Polstra aka Dr. Phil the Hacker his Twitter is ppolstra | https://twitter.com/ppolstra.

He uses the BeagleBoard Black as the starting point for his hardware.

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Security & Hacking: The Matasano Crypto Challenges

Really cool the Matasano Crypto Challenges is "a collection of 48 exercises that demonstrate attacks on real-world crypto."

It's designed to teach real Crypto attacks by doing, great for improving the security of code you write, or to get an idea of what Pen Testing or malicious hacking involves.

Very good review, worth reading in it's own right here https://blog.pinboard.in/2013/04/the_matasano_crypto_challenges/

Note in the Pinboard review the original link for Matasano Crypto Challenges  didn't update for server move, current working link (I have correct link at top of this blog post of mine as well) is http://web.archive.org/web/20140213141638/http://www.matasano.com/articles/crypto-challenges/