Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Apple releases Security patch for OS X vulnerability

Apple released security patch for OS X few hours ago

Link to Apple statement about patch http://support.apple.com/kb/HT6150

My understanding is the big problem, that was shared with iOS [see iOS 7.0.6 SSL/TLS problem for more on iOS issue ] only affected Mavericks, though I could certainly be in error on that, and this patch fixes more than that single issue.

Links to media comments about patch:

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Ender's Game on Blu-ray Tournament today!

Minigun won the sister tournament to today's event http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Twitch_Ender%27s_Game_on_Blu-ray_Tournament.

Minigun will face winner of today's event, I'm hoping Scarlett, in a show match!

Today, Tuesday Februrary 11, 2014 we get to see the sister tournament to the one Minigun won, link to today's event http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/MLG_GameOn_Ender%27s_Game_on_Blu-ray_Tournament

For replays, full event schedule, etc see (click on power button for menu) http://www.gameon.gg/

Casters:  Catz & Destiny

Stream:  Updated Correct Stream http://tv.majorleaguegaming.com/event/gameon

When:  08:00 KST Wed/00:00 CET Wed/Tue 18:00 EST Tue 17:00 CST Tue 15:00 PST MLG GameOn

Not sure if today is just Group A, or if it is several groups, but there should be at least 1 or 2 more nights cast this week.

Several of my favorite players in this event, besides Scarlett, including Goswer, MajOr, and Kane.

Also get to see Nathanias, one of my favorite casters, playing in this event.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Windows Phone 8 T Mobile Texting problems

This seems to be WP8 problem on WiFi for Texting, I have been doing some digging, since I experience this problem frequently.

Best information I have found so far, from the customers not T Mobile of course, is here http://support.t-mobile.com/message/333431

Could be worse, if you have WP8 on Verizon, lot of problems with Texting issue that looks similar to this one, but more pervasive (perhaps not limited to WiFi?).

Haven't found any useful work arounds for the Verizon Texting problem, other than temporary *maybe* fixes like:  reboot, battery pull, deleting Texting threads, resets, etc.

Still looking for useful information on random crashes & reboots, as well as screen freezing when call comes in so you can't answer the call.